4 events found.
Adult Winter Reading Program 2024
ECCPL 201 N SYCAMORE ST, ELIZABETHTONThis is our first year doing an Adult Winter Reading Program!!! Many have asked for a winter program since our summer reading program is during such busy times, so here…
Glow Herbals 527 E Elk Ave Ste 1, Elizabethton, TN 37643, ElizabethtonQigong is slowly catching on and the word is getting out! Come join Adina for FREE Qigong every Tuesday! Relaxing gentle moves which benefit our health and well being. Stop…
Teen Tuesday
ECCPL 201 N SYCAMORE ST, ELIZABETHTONTeens (ages 12-18) are welcome to come by and create or hang out every Tuesday from 3:45pm-4:45p.m.
The Coloring Connection
Riverside Taphouse 635 East Elk Ave, ElizabethtonThe Coloring Connection is back, as an outreach downtown at the Riverside Taphouse, here is Elizabethton. Come join me & let's add some color to our day! All supplies are…