3 events found.
Adult Winter Reading Program 2024
ECCPL 201 N SYCAMORE ST, ELIZABETHTONThis is our first year doing an Adult Winter Reading Program!!! Many have asked for a winter program since our summer reading program is during such busy times, so here…
Chair Yoga
ECCPL 201 N SYCAMORE ST, ELIZABETHTONJoin us this month with Monday’s Chair Yoga with Rachel from UT Extension. Low impact chair yoga can improve your flexibility, help you grow strong, improve sleep and so much…
Sassy Stitches Embroidery Circle
ECCPL 201 N SYCAMORE ST, ELIZABETHTONSassy Stitches Embroidery Circle is every 2nd Monday from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Bring your projects on down and enjoy dedicated time, just for you! If new to embroidery,…